Additional guidance & information – please read
- Observe good hand hygiene, with frequent use of soap and water or alcohol-containing gel;
- Use appropriate personal protective equipment if required for clinical care
- Observe isolation requirements for known or suspected COVID-19 cases.
- Ensure infection control training up to date
You must follow the infection control precautions (hand hygiene and use of PPE) which reduce the risk of becoming infected and taking the infection home. If you have vulnerable family members living with you at home can seek further advice from OH. Contact details below.
0 – 28 weeks gestation
Individual risk assessment to be completed with line manager. Is the individual able to effectively socially distance themselves?
28 weeks plus gestation
For pregnant women after 28 weeks’ gestation, or with underlying health conditions such as heart or lung disease, a more precautionary approach is advised. Women in this category should work from home where possible, avoid contact with anyone with symptoms of COVID-19, and significantly reduce unnecessary social contact. For many healthcare workers, this may present opportunities to work flexibly in a different capacity, for example by undertaking telephone or videoconference consultations, or taking on administrative duties.
All NHS employers should, given a temporary and more pragmatic approach to Information Governance requirements, consider how to maximise the potential for homeworking, wherever possible. Staff in this risk group who have chosen not to follow government advice and attend the workplace must not be deployed in roles where they are working with patients. Services may want to consider deploying these staff to support other activities.