Working in partnership for better business and health outcomes

Date: Thursday 17 November 2011
Location: Victory Services Club, London
Event organised by: PCC (
Cost: FREE

GPnetworks has been offered 30 free places at the event (normal price £195), available to our practice members, on a first-come-first-served basis. Email if you wish to attend and we will send you a registration code that will allow free registration.

Event description:
With practice mergers increasing and increasing pressure on practices to think and behave collectively in the transition to CCGs, practice managers and partners need to be aware of the consequences of change. This event looks in detail at the benefits and pitfalls of working in partnership whether through merger or federation with other providers or less formal routes.

One session looks at the business considerations of practice mergers and splits, and the potential consequences of incorporation. What are the financial consequences for a high-performing practice of merging with an average achiever? What non-financial factors do practices need to consider before merging – eg population profile and performance against patient survey indicators? What are the risks if it goes wrong?

Other sessions look at:

• How to federate and the benefits of federation, including group purchasing
• Working with patient reference groups, particularly in light of the PP DES
• Working with community pharmacy to reduce costs and improve service deliverables
• A pilot scheme to increase choice and reduce the cost of online procurement designed with and aimed at practice managers

The event also covers real-life examples of federation, considering how the risks can be mitigated and the benefits optimised for the benefit of all stakeholders from purchasing to patient participation.

The new patient participation DES makes explicit the link between more effective patient representation and practice income, but the connection needs to be hard-wired to the strategy. If the needs of patients are not permanently aligned with business development plans, your aspirations to grow the business and better serve the local population could be compromised.

PCC event info and registration here

To register for free, contact for an event registration code

Delegates attending: GPs, practice managers, other practice staff and PCT primary care leads.

Categorized as Discussion