Invoicing via your account

Each Account contains an Invoice tab. In here you find everything related to book keeping and invoicing for the work you have completed via the system.
For work with Extended hours / improved access hubs, the invoices are generated automatically for you each month and the data passed to their finance dept at the beginning of the new month.
They then pay you as per your contractual agreement with the service.
When you work for a practice directly via the system, you can manually generate invoices for the shifts you have completed and send them to the employer(s).
In all cases, the invoices are found in your Invoice history in your account and can be viewed / printed
You can also revoke and edit/resend invoices, see when an employer has paid your invoice and mark it as received your end.
You can also down your invoice data for use in a book keeping app
With regard to pension data:
When you work for Extended hours / improved access hubs the pension calcs are also competed for you as part of the auto generation. When you generate an invoice manually the pension calcs are included in the invoice payment Calculation.
You must set your Pension tier in your account Profile
At this time the locum A form is not currently generated
This will be something we add to your account quite soon, we hope