Onboarding staff

Join the network / join the hub

Accessing the system first

  1. Staff users need a free account on the system before they can use an account to join to a hub
  2. A staff user can have a network / system account and not be joined to a hub
  3. A staff user account can connect with more than one hub

Sometimes, because of this, joining a hub can be a 2 stage process:

  1. Registering for a staff user account
  2. Login and join to a hub in the Hub management section

The app vs the browser

Staff can use app or browser to access their account. Same login.

When you login using a browser your Dashboard will show links to the two app stores





You can and search both app stores – search ‘Workforce  GPnetworks’

Once installed, open app and login

(we have been made aware of some rare cases where the app tells the user that it is not compatible. We know what causes this now and have to publish an app update)

In the meantime, even using the native browser on a phone or tablet will look and work just like the app does.


Browser URL


Whatever route a person takes to get to their account, all functionality is the same and all logins the same. It’s one system with a few different entry points.



Staff users

Staff logging in after a bulk import by us

When we bulk import staff users for a hub, we auto complete the user account registration step for users without an existing account, then join that user to the hub they are already part of.

We then send a file that contains staff user credentials to the hub manager

There may be a few members of staff who already had an account on the system, so they won’t be included in this import or the file but they will get joined to the hub.


If they are not existing users, its usual for them to need some help with their first steps.


Invalid login credentials

There is password reset on the home page of the site and on the app start screen. It’s found in within the Login feature ‘forgot p[password’

It will ask for the email address in the account and generate a new password, sending it to that email address

Sometimes this email does not seem to arrive (caught in a person spam filter). It would only take 5 mins to come at most, so get in touch with me if it does arrive. I can find this and help.




Help and support information

In the browser, there is Help menu containing links to account support for staff online, in the form of short videos and an archive of articles. There is also direct support myself and Tom, via email.





The help menu for staff


Short videos for staff users on the support portal (I will be adding more shorts to the collection)



New staff (having an account AND not having an account on the system)

Any new staff joining Charter, may or may not have an account on the system already.

If they DO have an account, they simply need to visit their Hub management section and Add Charter hub to their connections.

This will inform you and place them into the disabled tab for their staff role (HCA, GP, etc)

All the info from their account will appear in their record,  within your hub and you can enable them for your hub whenever you like. This will let them know.

If they DO NOT have an account o the system, they can register for one for free on the home page, then, once that process is complete (20-30 mins) follow the above steps to join Charter.


There is also an option to join a Hub during the registration process, if they see this and use it, it saves steps and some time for them and us.

Signup for an account form is accessed via menu on home page (staff users should NOT choose the last option)



Hub Administrators

A person could have dual roles as a staff user and an Administrator.

For this they need 2 accounts on the system, each using an unique email)

Anyone can always register for a new account (the bottom option in that Signup menu is the Administrator role) – they will just need an email NOT already in the system.


Support for Administrators

Our Team provides business hours user support via email

For Hub managers (Administrators) there is additional supporting information in their help menu

There is also a support Ticket system.

The Manager support portal provides a searchable FAQ (I am also adding to this all the time)



Remote teams support sessions

We provide drop-in sessions in the week of staff user onboarding


What controls assignability in your rota?

There are a few things that interact to determine if someone in your workforce can be assigned to a shift in your rota.

Its important to distinguish between assignment and self-assignment. Both of these can work together to solve a rota and, as a hub admin, you can control these capabilities.

Assignment – where a hub admin assigns a shift to member of the hub workforce


A number of factors affect a persons suitability to be assigned to a shift:

  • Being the correct user type or role (in role based rotas)
  • Having your staff user account enabled within the hub
  • Having the core attributes of their profile completed (ready for work)
  • Having any appropriate special capabilities (if a shift has a special type associated)
  • The staff user has specified that they are willing to work at the location of the shift

The last item in this list is set by the staff user, in the hub management section of their account, per hub. Hubs can have multiple locations where rostered shifts are set and a staff user can specify which of these they wish to work at (or all of them).


Availability can either be given explicitly or tacitly.

Explicit availability

This is what a staff user has set themselves as ‘available’ for days or segments of days, from within their Schedule screen.

Tacit availability

This is where a staff user is NOT unavailable. It does not require explicit availability but does require that a person is not working elsewhere.

Each hub can be configured to require staff user availability or not, in order to assign people to shifts. This is a choice between using explicit or tacit availability as the background to assigning staff to hub shifts.

This option is found in Hub settings.


When this is ON, it means that staff users need to give their availability in their Schedule, via their app or account. Its fast and easy to do this but they need to keep it updated.

— — —

Self-assignment – where a staff user assigns themselves to a shift in a hub rota, via their Schedule

For self-assignment to be available, the hub admin must ensure this is turned ON, in their hub settings and in the settings for the module that the rota is contained within. Modules also have settings so that different service rotas can be configured differently.

Hub settings

Module settings

Individual user suitability is still a factor in the same way as it is for assignment. Self-assignment is another optional workflow, available to the hub rota, that can work t

Controlling self-assignment at a shift level.

Within a rota, each individual shift can be given a self-assignment attribute (as long as self-assignment is ON for the module and hub)

Click the small icon of a person, bottom right, under the shift to open options.

— — —

ASK for self-assignment

ASK is a 3rd workflow for a hub admin to use, that is based on self-assignment in that it will send a direct message via email and app push, to a specific staff user, selected by the hub admins (or multiple users), asking them to self-assign to the shift.

ASK can work even when self-assignment is not active for a rota or for a shift, which means it can be used in a very targeted, piecemeal way by a hub admin. When a hub admin sends multiple asks for the same shift, the staff user who self-assigns to the shift is first-come-first-served.

Hub configuration

Hub settings

Any hub is highly configurable and can be be designed to work in a specific way, to support any service.

As well as this, there are many optional workflows that work independently or together. This allows hub administrators to design their own way of working.


Manage a team of administrators

As a hub admin connected with your hub and with all permissions, you should see all the workforce in their user type groups


Where, as a super admin, you can manage the other hub admins access and IG individually

Workforce user management

Not all user profile fields will be relevant to every hub service and only a few are required, in order to assign a user into a rota. Some relate to other types of relationship with a hub.

Ignore missing documents’ is required to be locked in order for a user to be assignable in a rota. If it is not locked then the user is required to upload all missing documents into their profile, from their end, in their account (app or desktop)

As an example, an IAS hub using the system and staffing it with flexible workers would probably not tick ‘ignore missing docs’ and instead use a rigorous process of document checking in order to bring all their staff into compliance for their service.

Hub admin team

Your Hub admin team

As a hub admin with the highest level of admin rights, you can see and manage the permissions of the other hub admins for this hub


These settings control their access to screens / features / information within the hub and can be quite useful. One such use is strict information governance. You may not need to do much here and just let your admins has lots of access.

Pay rates and pay management

Pay rates

In order for the system to be able to properly calculate costs and individual pay, we need to ensure we have setup pay rates in the hub.

The attached diagram explains the various places pay rates can be setup and how they will interact with each other to determine how much someone gets paid for a shift.

For a hub with no work plans (no internal staff users), the pay rates are simplified and only follow the route down one side of this diagram, via the ’Not in work plan’ route.

Standard pay rates are set for the hub here: /hub_admin/pay_rates/rates_and_fees

Special pay rates management is done via a button at the top of the standard pay rates page – ‘manage additional pay rate rules’

Special pay rules can comprise loads of rota dimensions and will over ride a standard pay rate, when the two coincide.

Custom user rates are found in each person profile in the workforce management screen and will over ride standard pay rates and most special rates

Lastly, within a rota, shifts can be given special pay rates (once they are assigned) as custom or pre-defined additional amounts

When working out the cost of a shift, the system can find the right rate, according to these rules.

Below the standard pay rate rules you will see the Standard employer rates and fees

Here, we can create a table of external employers for our staff and give each its own standard table of pay rates

In the workforce screen, we can assign a user an external employer

This can be useful to segment a hub workforce into different employers and calculate employer based costs for rotas and add additional costs associated

Invoices for self employed

Self-employed staff users will have an invoice auto generated at the start of each month for the previous month but we are soon to add a new hub config feature to allow a hub to set the frequency of self-employed auto invoice generation.

These auto generated invoices appear in the hub in this finance area and a searchable / filterable and can be downloaded and take part in basic reconciliation process


Here also, a hub admin can generate missing invoices and regenerate incorrect ones. (This usually comes after some sort of fix, usually within a rota assignment)

There is also a complete assignment and pay history where payment calcs can be recalculated for individual shifts or in bulk

This sort of capability to repair costs calcs can serve a few purposes, including ensuring spending reports are accurate