Managing your time-off & leave

View entitlements. Create leave requests. View request status. View your colleagues time-off.

TEMPO will automatically calculate your leave based on your Working plan for the hub, so you can include non-working dates in your request.

  • Please leave the amount of leave blank if requesting full days.
  • In the Monthly Calendars, TEMPO will display the amount of your leave on each date.
  • It can also show leave booked by other members of your Booking Team.

When booking a part day:

  • Sessional staff: 1 session is 4 hours and 20 mins
  • Hourly staff: normal hours & mins
two brown wooden outdoor chaise loungers on beach
white analog wall clock at 10 00

View entitlements. Create leave requests. View request status. View your colleagues time-off.

Tempo can calculate all your leave entitlements from your work plan and then add various adjustments, to create an overall annual entitlement for any financial year.

Built in

  • Leave entitlement (pro rata)
  • Bank holiday adjustments

If applicable

  • Long service
  • Carry over
  • Study leave
  • Appraisal time


  • Toil balance

Toil balance is an ongoing calculation between your TOIL accrued and your TOIL leave taken.

At the end of a year, the TOIL balance and any final leave allowance not used are combined and feed into the hub carry over rules.

Collaborative leave views

In your leave management screen, you can also optionally show leave for your team colleagues in the calendar, helping you to plan your time-off better.


Your balance

Tempo will maintain a calculated balance of time used and time remaining, in relation to all entitlements and time-off approved, across all types and including a TOIL calculation.

Booking leave

Leave time-off, as well as other forms of time-off, can be requested via your account, in the Time-off management for the hub.

Your time-off requests and approved status, show in the table above your leave calendar

Request time-off by clicking the button ‘Book time off’.

This opens a popup to take some details and, if you are rostered, will then automatically calculate the deductions for each day in your work plan over the time period you request.

Once approved, this can be edited by your Manager, if needed.

Requests and approvals generate email notifications to keep you and your team leave manager up-to-date and move the process along.

Reporting TOIL

In your leave management screen you can also report TOIL.

Reporting TOIL (when approved) accrues TOIL as an additional form of time-off entitlement.

When taking time-off you can use TOIL leave as an option. This will then deduct time off from the TOIL accrued.

Below your calculations, there is a link to popup a TOIL balance for the financial year

Engaging with employers via your account

Your profile, docs, certs and sharing these with employers

Your profile allows you to be responsible for maintaining your docs & certs. These are then shared to employers that you connect with via the system.

There are 2 scenarios for connection:


Ad hoc locum work

When a practice asks you to provide cover or you see a practice requirement and respond to that, offering cover – if this is confirmed then your docs & certs are shared to the practice so they can check them.

They may start a chat with you, on the site, to ask for something or clarify something.


Working in a hub

If you choose to connect with a Hub, this places your information into their hub workforce management view, where they can check it and activate you within their hub, for Assignment to their shifts. As long as you maintain a connection with the hub, your Profile data is shared from your account to the hub.


Your Schedule

Your Schedule will contain all shifts you are eligible for, whether ad-hoc practice requirements or sessions within a hub rota. It also also contains any requests you receive .

Things change colour and have new info as their status alters within a workflow between you and the employer.

You can see and respond to things in your Schedule and automatic notifications are generated to drive the process.

Onboarding staff

Join the network / join the hub

Accessing the system first

  1. Staff users need a free account on the system before they can use an account to join to a hub
  2. A staff user can have a network / system account and not be joined to a hub
  3. A staff user account can connect with more than one hub

Sometimes, because of this, joining a hub can be a 2 stage process:

  1. Registering for a staff user account
  2. Login and join to a hub in the Hub management section

The app vs the browser

Staff can use app or browser to access their account. Same login.

When you login using a browser your Dashboard will show links to the two app stores




You can and search both app stores – search ‘Workforce  GPnetworks’

Once installed, open app and login

(we have been made aware of some rare cases where the app tells the user that it is not compatible. We know what causes this now and have to publish an app update)

In the meantime, even using the native browser on a phone or tablet will look and work just like the app does.


Browser URL

Whatever route a person takes to get to their account, all functionality is the same and all logins the same. It’s one system with a few different entry points.



Staff users

Staff logging in after a bulk import by us

When we bulk import staff users for a hub, we auto complete the user account registration step for users without an existing account, then join that user to the hub they are already part of.

We then send a file that contains staff user credentials to the hub manager

There may be a few members of staff who already had an account on the system, so they won’t be included in this import or the file but they will get joined to the hub.


If they are not existing users, its usual for them to need some help with their first steps.


Invalid login credentials

There is password reset on the home page of the site and on the app start screen. It’s found in within the Login feature ‘forgot p[password’

It will ask for the email address in the account and generate a new password, sending it to that email address

Sometimes this email does not seem to arrive (caught in a person spam filter). It would only take 5 mins to come at most, so get in touch with me if it does arrive. I can find this and help.




Help and support information

In the browser, there is Help menu containing links to account support for staff online, in the form of short videos and an archive of articles. There is also direct support myself and Tom, via email.



The help menu for staff

Short videos for staff users on the support portal (I will be adding more shorts to the collection)


New staff (having an account AND not having an account on the system)

Any new staff joining Charter, may or may not have an account on the system already.

If they DO have an account, they simply need to visit their Hub management section and Add Charter hub to their connections.

This will inform you and place them into the disabled tab for their staff role (HCA, GP, etc)

All the info from their account will appear in their record,  within your hub and you can enable them for your hub whenever you like. This will let them know.

If they DO NOT have an account o the system, they can register for one for free on the home page, then, once that process is complete (20-30 mins) follow the above steps to join Charter.

There is also an option to join a Hub during the registration process, if they see this and use it, it saves steps and some time for them and us.

Signup for an account form is accessed via menu on home page (staff users should NOT choose the last option)



Hub Administrators

A person could have dual roles as a staff user and an Administrator.

For this they need 2 accounts on the system, each using an unique email)

Anyone can always register for a new account (the bottom option in that Signup menu is the Administrator role) – they will just need an email NOT already in the system.


Support for Administrators

Our Team provides business hours user support via email

For Hub managers (Administrators) there is additional supporting information in their help menu

There is also a support Ticket system.

The Manager support portal provides a searchable FAQ (I am also adding to this all the time)


Remote teams support sessions

We provide drop-in sessions in the week of staff user onboarding

Locums & pension

Your profile, docs, certs & competencies

As a staff account user (this can be many types, both clinical and non-clinical), you are able to manage all your documents and certificates within your Profile as well as add any additional qualification or competencies to your Profile.

These help employers you connect with to see your suitability for particular types of work.

The principles is that, the information you create within your Profile is shared with the employers you choose to connect with, within the network. Many employers have a hub so using the hub management section of your account, you can control which hubs you are connected with. As well as this, if you choose to be visible as a locum in the network, practices can see your profile information.

Hub interactions with your information

Hubs maintain and manage a workforce within their account. They onboard staff users that join their hub by verifying the information that the staff user profile shares with their hub and generating their own compliance process and compliance related information, stored at their end. Once a hub has onboarded you they will enable you within their hub. This means you are eligible for assignment to requirements within their hub rotas.

You can leave a hub by disconnecting within your hub management screen. This removes your information from the hub but not a history of your rota activity or the information they may have generated related to your compliance for their hub.

Hub requirements

Hubs can have slightly different document / certificate requirements. These are expressed through the docs and certs management in your account as required or not required documents. Generally, it’s best to upload as many documents and certificates as you can to your profile to maximise your opportunity within any hub.

Expiry dates

Some certificates have expiry dates. These can be set when you upload the file to your profile. Hubs can also see any relevant dates. Expired certificates are the same as not having a certificate uploaded in that they can prevent you being compliant to a hub and not being eligible to work in that hub.


The system will send document expiry date reminders to you in advance of a document in your profile expiring and another notification when a document expires. Hub administrators can also see expired documents and will also be notified by the system when an active member of their hub workforce has a document expire.